Ballina Innovation &
Knowledge Initiative

Or 'BIKI' to our friends

About BIKI

We want to help bring together champions for our community’s success – be they individuals or organisations - to drive economic diversity and opportunity in the Ballina Shire, through:
• collaboration
• entrepreneurship
• innovation
• creativity
• knowledge
• technology.
These are some of the ‘ingredients’ we recognise playing a vital role in sustainable economic growth, for an innovative economy with good jobs and greater earning power for all. It's not just individuals or firms that drive economic development, but clusters of industry and talent; and we are building a cluster for the Ballina Shire.

About Us

We are a volunteer group made up of passionate and committed business owners and industry participants that are based in the Ballina Shire.
As we progress, BIKI seeks to:
• Link the people and organisations in the Ballina Shire that have the skills, experience and knowledge relevant to our mission
• As we are developing a profile of local capability, we seek to create structures to support introductions, networks, cooperation, partnerships and forums to foster collaboration among those individuals and organisations
• We intend to establish a physical place in Ballina Shire that can be utilised by the BIKI community to advance and extend the mission.

What does a successful industry cluster look like ?

We believe that the main ingredients are:
1) We work together, innovate together, learn from each other, grow and thrive
2) We identify gaps, fill them with experience, expertise, and investment.
3) We scan our environment for ‘big opportunities’ to pursue, and then get behind them.
4) We bring together champions with passion & dedication
5) We'll establish a physical place to serve as a symbol of our presence and commitment to our community

Have you heard about "BIKI Hosts" ?

This program is about established businesses hosting early stage businesses in their premises and providing support to help that business grow through formal/informal mentoring, introductions and whatever else the 'matched' businesses agree works for them both.
It is not supposed to be 'speed-dating', but instead a longer term opportunity for well-placed established businesses to nurture sustainable businesses to help them thrive in their given field.
At the moment we have a couple of hosts open to finding suitable early stage businesses to support - so messaging to the start-up community is a focus.

Like to find out more ? Get in touch..